Dr Elsa Lasseuguette

Research Fellow


+44(0)131 6505693


1.196E Fleeming Jenkin

Research Institutes

Materials and Processes
Research Publications
Dr Elsa Lasseuguette

My research to date has focused on environmental issues with the development of new materials to improve existing processes (reduced energy costs, alternative to petroleum derivatives) in partnership with industry and academia. And especially since 5 years, I am working on the improvement of CO2 capture process with membrane technology.

  • Printing Engineering, Master of Engineering Materials science, Master in Science, INPG, CNRS, LGP2 Process Engineering Laboratory, Grenoble, France
  • Materials science, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), INPG, CNRS, LGP2 Process Engineering Laboratory, Grenoble,

  • Membrane development for gas separation and nanofiltration, Membrane characterisations, Carbon Capture and Storage, Polymer characterisations