Dr Ignacio Tudela-Montes

Deputy Director of Learning & Teaching - Staff Development


+44(0)131 6505545


1.081 Sanderson Building

Engineering Discipline

Chemical Engineering

Research Institutes

Materials and Processes
Research Publications
Dr Ignacio Tudela-Montes

Join our research group

Interested in joining a young research group conducting cutting-edge research at a World Top 50 university? We are always looking for people who shar our passion for science and engineering. Please have a read of the 'Further Information' section below for any current vacancies and PhD projects currently available and contact Dr Tudela-Montes if you want to discuss any potential opportunities.


Applied Electrochemistry has always been at the core of Dr Ignacio Tudela-Montes' work since his early research days. Whether it was the development of novel sonoelectrochemical methods to remediate polluted drinking water, the manufacture of anode materials for electrochemical processes, the design and optimisation of electrochemical reactors for different applications or the development of novel tribological materials and the evaluation of their corrosion performance in non-conductive oils, Electrochemistry has always been an intrinsic part of his research career.

Dr Tudela-Montes started his research career in April 2007 as part of the former NDTESB Research Group (New Technological Developments in Electrochemistry: Sonoelectrochemistry and Bioelectrochemistry) under the direction of late Dr José González-García at the University of Alicante, Spain, where he was at the core of the research performed on the design and development of electrochemical and sonoelectrochemical processes for different applications.

In June 2011, Dr Tudela-Montes joined Daido Metal – European Technical Centre UK (ETC UK) as a Materials Researcher involved in a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project between Coventry University and Daido Industrial Bearings Europe (UK subsidiary of Daido Metal) aiming at the development of novel materials for engine bearing applications. During the KTP he also started his PhD degree, fully sponsored by Daido Metal, which he completed in June 2015. After completing his PhD, he became Senior Materials Researcher at Daido Metal – ETC UK where he led the team responsible for the development of novel material solutions and manufacturing processes for engine bearing and other tribological applications ranging from crankshaft bearings for the automotive industry to large bearings for industrial, power generation and marine engines.

Since July 2018, Dr Tudela-Montes leads research in the area of Electrochemical Engineering as part of the Institute for Materials and Processes within the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. He is also founding lecturer of Electrochemical Engineering within Chemical Engineering, actively driving forward educational and mentoring activities for Chemical Engineering students within the School of Engineering.

PhD in area of Functional Materials - Coventry University (2015) Thesis: Novel Ultrasound-assisted electrodeposited Nickel-based coatings for bearing applications

BEng in Chemical Engineering (equivalent) - University of Alicante (2008)

Chemical Engineering (BEng and MEng): - Electrochemical Engineering 5 (CHEE11028) - Course organiser

Advanced Chemical Engineering (MSc): - Electrochemical Engineering MSc (PGEE11177) - Course organiser

Postgraduate Students

Current opportunities - PhD project: Fabrication of electromechanically active electrodes for miniaturised electrochemical devices (self-funded, information about scholarship opportunities below). - PhD project: Ammonia-based ionic liquids for chemical conversion of CO2 (self-funded, information about scholarship opportunities below). - PhD project: Electrochemical preparation of electrocatalysts for the electrochemical conversion of CO2 (self-funded, information about potential scholarship opportunities below).

We are always looking for outstanding prospective students who are interested in conducting a PhD project in our research areas of interest. Self-funded students are welcome to contact Dr Tudela-Montes and discuss potential PhD project topics (information on entry requiremenets, fees and costs is available here). Outstanding applicants with a very strong academic background can also consider applying for one of the several scholarships that may be available for funding PhD studies (please see list with examples below). Exceptional candidates may also be considered for full PhD scholarships from the School of Engineering. - Principal's Career Development PhD Scholarships - Carnegie PhD ScholarshipsPerfect Storms: Leverhulme Doctoral ScholarshipsEdinburgh Global Research Scholarship (for high quality overseas students only) - China Scholarships Council/University of Edinburgh Scholarships (for Chinese nationals/residents only)

Interational students are also encourage to explore applying for scholarships to conduct PhD studies abroad from their national and regional goverments. Please find below some examples: - CONICYT | Becas de Doctorado - Becas Chile (for Chilean nationals/residents only) - CONACYT | Becas de posgrado en el Extranjero (for Mexican nationals only) - SSMS Scholarchips (for candidates from Punjab/Pakistan only) - La Caixa - Becas para Estudios de Posgrado en Europa (for Spanish nationals only)