Dr Jiabin Jia

Senior Lecturer



+44(0)131 6513568


2.07 Alexander Graham Bell Building

Personal Page: 

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Imaging, Data and Communications

Research Theme: 

  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Tomography
  • Wind Energy
  • Carbon Capture and Separation Processes
Dr Jiabin Jia


Dr Jiabin Jia obtained his BEng (2002) in Electronics Engineering and MSc (2005) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Wuhan University, China. After worked one year in the Hardware R&D department of H3C Technology Co. Ltd, China, Dr Jia started his PhD study supported by the ORSAS scholarship from 2006 and achieved his PhD degree in 2010 at The University of Leeds, UK. Following three years working on an EPSRC project as a Research Fellow, he started to work at the School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh from October 2013.
Dr Jia’s expertise is in the area of sensing physics, electronic instrumentation, process measurement and analysis. The research in Dr Jia’s laboratory takes an approach of synergistic integration of physics, modelling, optimization and design, to provide innovative sensing solutions for various challenging problems.
So far, he has been awarded research funding more than £500k as PI and £2M as Co-I. Dr Jia is maintaining close collaborations with industrial partners. A number of technological breakthroughs were developed, patented and licensed for commercialisation to the world-leading industrial company in process tomography, Industrial Tomography Systems plc (ITS). His work attracted interest from international company. After a worldwide technology tender, Fuji Electric Ltd invested £300K on commissioned research basis to develop a wet gas metering technology. In 2016 and 2018, Dr Jia undertook consultancy work for the National University of Ireland Galway and Pennsylvania State University to provide technical advice. So far, more than 40 peer-reviewed journal and two book chapters has been published. Two patents were granted. Three PhD students have successfully achieved degree under his supervision. At present, he is supervising five PhD students and two PDRAs.

Academic Qualifications: 

  • 2019 Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PgCAP), Univesrity of Edinburgh, UK
  • 2010 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds, UK
  • 2005 Master in Science (MSc), School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University, P. R. China
  • 2002 Bachelor of Science (BEng), School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University, P. R. China

Professional Qualifications and Memberships: 

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE)
  • Member of consultative scientific panel of Interntional Society for Industrial & Process Tomography
  • Associate editor of Measurement Journal of the International Measurement Confederation


  • Software and Embedded Systems Laboratory 2 (ELEE08022)
  • Digital System Design and Digital System Laboratory 3 (ELEE09035)
  • Engineering Mathematics 2B tutorial (SCEE08010)
  • Supervision for BEng, MEng, MSc and PhD projects.

Research Interests: 

       Process Tomography
              Electrical impedance tomography
              Electrical capacitance tomography
              Acoustic tomography
       Biomedical application of electrical impedance tomography
              Cell culture imaging
              Lung imaging   
       Multiphase flow measurement
              Gas-water flow
              Wet-gas flow
              Countercurrent flow in packed column
              Gas flow in cryogenic packed column
       Application of artificial intelligence
              Hand gesture recognition
              Object recognition
       Lidar wind field retrieval

