Dr Nan Yu

Senior Lecturer


1.074 Sanderson Building

Engineering Discipline

Mechanical Engineering

Research Institutes

Materials and Processes
Research Publications
Dr Nan Yu

Dr Nan Yu is a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at the University of Edinburgh, and the Deputy Director of MSc Digital Design and Manufacture.

Nan was trained at Cranfield University (PhD: plasma figuring of large optics), University College Dublin (UCD, as a postdoc in precision manufacturing of medical devices), and the European Organisation of Nuclear Research (CERN, as an Associate Scientist in precision alignment and metrology). He has established academic reputation in precision manufacturing and advanced plasma technologies as evidenced by over £ 1 M funding secured as PI, more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, 4 paper awards and 10 invited/keynote talks. Nan receives the prestigious Marie Curie International Fellowship (2018-2020), Irish Research Council Fellowship (2020), and Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowship (2023-2024). He holds two visiting appointments at UCD (2021-2026) and Osaka University (2022-2024). 

PgCAP in Higher Education (2023), Edinburgh

PhD in Precision Engineering (2017), Cranfield

MSc in Mechanical Manufacturing (2013), Harbin;

BSc in Mechanical Engineering (2011), Harbin;

2018 Professional Certificate of Entrepreneurial Educators, UCD, National University of Ireland;

2018 International Scientific Committee member of European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN);

2019 Member of International Academy of Engineering and Technology (AET);

2021 Research Affiliate of International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP);

2021 Member of EPSRC Early Career Forum in Manufacturing Research;

2022 Fellow of Royal Society for Art, Manufacture and Commerce (RSA);

2023 Fellow of Higher Education Academy (HEA)

1. Conceptual Design for Mechanical Engineers 3 (Course Organiser);

2. BEng Mechanical Engineering Project 4;

3. Digital Manufacturing 5;

4. Metrology in MSc Digital Design and Manufacture (Course Organiser)

5. MEng Mechanical Engineering Project 5