Dr R Camilla Thomson

Chancellor's Fellow


+44(0)131 6513526


1.188 Fleeming Jenkin

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Research Institutes

Energy Systems
Research Publications
Portrait of Camilla Thomson

An Electrical and Mechanical Engineer by training, Camilla now teaches about sustainable energy and researches the environmental impacts of energy. Currently this mostly involves developing better tools and techniques to analyse the climate change impact or carbon footprint of changes to the electricity system: whether new renewable energy developments, new transmission lines or even new market operations.

Camilla is a Co-Investigator in the EnergyREV project, leading the work package on developing a Multi-Criteria Assessment tool for Smart Local Energy Systems. She is also the Deputy Co-ordinator on the NEWEST-CCUS project, and is leading a multi-disciplinary international team on the specific task of robustly quantifying the atmospheric-carbon-reduction-potential of waste-to-energy plants with carbon capture and storage.

Camilla is also a keen advocate for diversity in Engineering. She is the founding chair of the School's Molly Fergusson Initiative, and was named one of the Top 50 Women in Engineering - Sustainability in 2020. 

Her pronouns are she/her.

</div> <p>An interview about the rewards and challenges of a career in academia and Engineering:</p> <div class="media-container"> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" src="https://www.uwp.is.ed.ac.uk/3rd-party-widgets/videopublisher/v4/embeds/vp.php?t=1&v=0ExFbtjgH08"/></div> </div> <p>You can watch this video on <a href="https://youtu.be/0ExFbtjgH08" title="Interview with Dr Camilla Thomson | SchoolOfEngUoE">YouTube</a>.</p>

  • PhD Carbon and Energy Payback of Variable Renewable Generation, University of Edinburgh, 2014
  • MEng(Hons) Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, University of Edinburgh, 2004

  • Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, MIET
  • Winner Top 50 Women in Engineering 2020 - Sustainability

  • MSc Sustainable Energy Systems - Dissertation supervision
  • Technologies for Sustainable Energy - Course-organiser and lecturer

  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and carbon footprinting
  • Marginal carbon analysis
  • Renewable resource assessment
  • Daylighting analysis