Dr Rachel Schwind

Lecturer in Experimental Thermofluids



1.1041 James Clerk Maxwell Building, 2.2032 James Clerk Maxwell Building

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Mechanical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Multiscale Thermofluids

Research Theme: 

  • Multiphase, interfacial and chemically reacting flows at the macro-scale

Academic Qualifications: 

PhD in Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, University of Cincinnati

Professional Qualifications and Memberships: 


Research Interests: 

•Gas-phase reaction kinetics
•Energetic materials and propellants
•High-pressure reactivity and phase transitions
•Nanomaterials synthesis
•Reactive interfaces
•Waste-to-energy fuels
•Fire Science
•Air-independent combustion