Research Associate (C1) (ACAD - Researcher) Email Location 1.04-E Alrick Building Social Media Google Scholar LinkedIn Researchgate Engineering Discipline Electronics and Electrical Engineering Research Institutes Energy Systems Biography I'm a Research Associate in Energy Market Integration for Grid-Scale Storage at the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh. Prior to this, I’ve been a Faculty Member at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Sirjan University of Technology, Iran, from Jun. 2017. I have Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-Power Systems from the University of Isfahan, Iran obtained in Oct. 2016 and my thesis title was “Generation Scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant Considering Industrial Microgrids in Power Systems”. My Ph.D. dissertation discusses about a transmission power network that is actively working under a regional electric company, and different VPPs within this system are included various types of distributed generation units like wind powers and demand response loads. The purpose was focused on industrial VPP and its management under a stochastic environment in a short-term power market. From Oct. 2015 to Apr. 2016, as a visiting researcher, I’ve worked on VPP self-scheduling problem in a power system and robust optimization method and I’ve also worked on day-ahead and intraday power markets of MIBEL (Iberian Electricity Market) in Electrical Engineering Department of Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha, Spain. I’ve been also involved as PI or Co-PI in 5 research projects within the power and energy systems field funded through universities or companies. Academic Qualifications Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, 2016. M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of Kashan, Iran, 2011. B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran, 2008.