Director of International Students Email Telephone +44(0)131 6505586 Location 3.090 Faraday Building Social Media Twitter ResearchGate LinkedIn Google Scholar Engineering Discipline Electronics and Electrical Engineering Research Institutes Energy Systems Research Publications Biography I am an electrical power engineer by training, holding the Personal Chair of Agile Energy Systems at the School of Engineering of the University of Edinburgh. As a member of the Institute for Energy Systems I lead the Agile Energy Systems Research Group, conducting interdisciplinary research in the areas of renewable energy conversion and integration, smart grids, and robotics and smart materials for energy applications. Our group currently comprises 9 Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers and has already graduated an additional 10 PhDs. Our research has generated ~100 peer-reviewed publications. My teaching includes courses on renewable energy, power and control engineering and research methods. I have a strong track record in developing and delivering courses and programme curricula at both under- and postgraduate levels. My administrative roles include the School's Directorship of Internationalisation - Students, responsible for the strategic development and delivery of the School's international academic partnerships, while I am also the founding Programme Director of the MSc in Electrical Power Engineering and the 2-year MSc in Advanced Power Engineering. Academic Qualifications BEng Electronics Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEIC), 1999 Postgraduate Diploma in Communications, Control & DSP, University of Strathclyde, 2000 PhD in Electrical Power Engineering, University of Edinburgh, 2005 Professional Qualifications and Memberships Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Member of the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) Teaching Control & Instrumentation Engineering 3Course Organiser 3rd Year Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering Solar Energy & Photovoltaic SystemsCourse Organiser MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems / Electrical & Advanced Power Engineering Solar Energy Conversion 5Course Organiser 5th Year MEng Undergraduate Programmes Engineering Research Methods with Grand ChallengeCourse Organiser (2018-2021) Core course for all Engineering MScs Specialities Power System Modelling Distributed Generation Renewable Energy Smart Grids & Demand Side Management Further Information Since 2018 I have been a Visiting Professor at the China-UK Low Carbon College of the Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, China. I am currently Associate Editor of the IET Smart Grid Journal and Member of the Editorial Board of the MDPI EnergiesJournal. I have also been Guest Editor for the Special Issue on Marine Energy, the Special Issue on Data-Driven Methods in Modern Power Engineering and the Special Issue on Advances in Electrical Power Conversion for Energy, Transportation and Industry Applications of the MDPI Energies Journal. I am a Senior Member of the IEEE and Member of the IET. I am also an active STEM Ambassador for East Scotland, having organised several events promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to the public and especially primary and high school children, specifically in the areas of renewable energy and robotics.