Professor Lindsay Beevers

Chair of Environmental Engineering and Head of Research Institute


+44(0)131 6507209


3.19 William Rankine Building

Engineering Discipline

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Institutes

Infrastructure and Environment

Prof. Lindsay Beevers joined the University of Edinburgh in January 2022 as the Chair in Environmental Engineering. She is a Civil Engineer with over 20 years’ experience and is author to over 50 peer reviewed journal papers in high impact journals, and 6 book chapters.

She has worked both in industry as an engineer (Jacobs 2003-2007) as well as in academia. From 2007-2010 she worked in the Netherlands at UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (now known as IHE Delft) where she was involved in education, capacity building and research projects in river systems across the world. Most of her work was focussed in Africa on the Nile and the Zambezi basins, and Asia on the Mekong river. In 2010 she joined Heriot-Watt University and in 2016 was awarded an EPSRC LWEC Challenge Fellowship to focus on Water Resilient Cities, focussing on climate change uncertainty and how we can adapt to its impacts for UK cities. In addition she was involved in research on climate change impacts to water resources across India, Sub-Saharan Africa and South America.


PhD: Civil Engineering - University of Glasgow: Morphological sustainability of estuarine barrages

M.Eng: Civil Engineering with Geology - University of Glasgow

PGCert: Academic Practice - Heriot Watt University
