Personal Chair in Thermodynamics of Materials and Processes Email Location 1.109 Sanderson Building Personal Page Social Media Google Scholar ResearchGate Scopus Linkedin Engineering Discipline Chemical Engineering Research Institutes Materials and Processes Research Publications Biography I joined the University of Edinburgh in 2020 as Chair in Thermodynamics of Materials and Processes after working 15 years at the University of Bologna, Italy‚ where I hold an Associate Professorship in Chemical Engineering. My international experience includes research stays at the North Carolina State University (USA), National Technical University of Athens (Greece), Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina), University of Melbourne (Australia). My work is focused on the study and development of materials, processes and simulation methods for fluid separations, CO2 capture, biofuels upgrading, water purification, packaging, biomedical processes. The research approach is problem-oriented and adopts a systematic strategy that encompasses experimental testing, molecular, macroscopic and multiscale modeling tools. Go to the Group SusProM Website Academic Qualifications -PhD in Chemical Engineering, 2002, University of Bologna -Master Degree in Chemical Engineering, 1998, University of Bologna Professional Qualifications and Memberships -Chair of the Working Party on Thermodynamics and Transport Properties, European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) , 2022-present -Treasurer and Vice President, European Membrane Society Council, 2019-2023 Specialities Associate Member of IChemE Member of AIDIC (Italian Association of Chemical Engineering) Member of European Membrane Society Member of AIChE Further Information -Member of the Editorial Board of Membranes -Editor of the Special Issue "Fundamentals of Transport in Polymers and Membranes—Honorary Issue for Professor Giulio C. Sarti" 2022 -Editor of the Special Issue "Gas Transport in Glassy Polymers" 2020-2021 -Watch my webinar “Membranes for CO2 Capture: Thermodynamic aspects” given during the EFCE Spotlight Talks, December 3rd 2020. Organized by the European Federation of Chemical Engineers. -Host of the European Membrane Society Live Webinars Series, watch them on Youtube </div> </div>