Professor Mark Linne

Emeritus Professor

Engineering Discipline

Mechanical Engineering

Research Institutes

Multiscale Thermofluids
Research Publications
Prof Mark Linne

Mark Linne is an experimentalist who has worked in reacting flow-fields (sprays, combustion and fuel cells) and advanced flow-field measurement techniques (laser and x-ray based) since earning a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. He has worked as a laser development scientist at Spectra-Physics Inc. where he developed the first commercially available diode-pumped solid state lasers (now an ubiquitous technology, for which he was awarded 2 patents). He was a professor at the Colorado School of Mines (in the US), The University of Lund (in Sweden), Chalmers University (in Sweden) and now the University of Edinburgh. Throught his career Linne has been active in the development of fiberoptic-based absorptipn/fluorescence probes; short-pulse degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) and pump/probe absorption spectroscopy; novel gated-integration and phase sensitive detection imaging techniques; early particle image velocimetry and cavity-enhanced absorption techniques; time-gated ballistic imaging for sprays; and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for interfacial electrochemistry. Linne is currently working on short pulse coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) in collaboration with Sandia Labs, and on novel approaches to thermodynamic state changes (trans-critical) in liquid/gas systems (e.g. fuel sprays). He has also served as a manager of Combustion Chemistry at Sandia National Labs' Combustion Research Facility and he was the Director of the Combustion Engine Research Center at Chalmers University. Linne is now the Chair of Combustion Engines in Edinburgh with the task to lead the development of a new lab that focuses on novel internal combustion engines for hybrid vehicles, as range extenders for electric cars, for heavy-duty Diesel engines, and marine engines. The lab has a specialty in direct-injected engines and so it also focuses on spray physics. A new Small Research Facility is under development. Linne is also the Head of the new Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids.

  • Course organizer for MECE09034 Thermofluids 3, a 20 credit class combining fluid mechanics (taught by Dr. Matthew Borg) and heat transfer (taught by Prof. Linne).