Professor Timm Krueger

Personal Chair of Fluid and Suspension Dynamics and Head of Research Institute


+44(0)131 6505679


2.2403 James Clerk Maxwell Building, 2.2016 James Clerk Maxwell Building

Personal Page

Engineering Discipline

Chemical Engineering

Research Institutes

Multiscale Thermofluids
Research Publications
profile photo of Timm Krueger wearing blue shirt and smiling

I am Professor of Fluid and Suspension Dynamics. My research focuses on the modelling and simulation of complex fluids on microfluidic scales, for example suspensions of deformable particles or red blood cells. I am teaching Chemical Engineering in the second year. I am the Co-Chair of the University's Research Cultures Forum.

  • Institute of Physics
  • Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
  • German Physical Society

  • Modelling and simulation of complex fluids
  • Microfluidics, suspensions and emulsions
  • Blood flow in complex geometries and blood cell separation
  • Inertial microfluidics
  • Lattice-Boltzmann method
  • Immersed-boundary method