Professor Timm Krueger




+44(0)131 6505679


2.2403 James Clerk Maxwell Building, 2.2016 James Clerk Maxwell Building

Personal Page: 

Social Media: 

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Chemical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Multiscale Thermofluids

Research Theme: 

  • Multiphase flows, interfaces and phase change from nano- to macro-scales
  • Multiphase, interfacial and chemically reacting flows at the macro-scale
  • Non-continuum and non-equilibrium fluid mechanics
profile photo of Timm Krueger wearing blue shirt and smiling


I am Professor of Fluid and Suspension Dynamics. My research focuses on the modelling and simulation of complex fluids on microfluidic scales, for example suspensions of deformable particles or red blood cells. I am teaching Chemical Engineering in the second year. I am the Co-Chair of the University's Research Cultures Forum.

Academic Qualifications: 

Professional Qualifications and Memberships: 

  • Institute of Physics
  • Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
  • German Physical Society


Research Interests: 

The research activities of my group are detailed at A list of all publications is available on Google Scholar and on the Edinburgh Research Explorer.

Research highlights are:

  • Particle manipulation and sorting in microfluidic channels (e.g., using inertial microfluidics)
  • Blood flow and blood cell dynamics (e.g., in microfluidic channels or in blood vessel networks)
  • Suspension rheology
  • Lattice-Boltzmann and immersed-boundary methods



  • Modelling and simulation of complex fluids
  • Microfluidics, suspensions and emulsions
  • Blood flow in complex geometries and blood cell separation
  • Inertial microfluidics
  • Lattice-Boltzmann method
  • Immersed-boundary method
