Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Mr Mark Mason M.Mason@ed.ac.uk
Claire Massey Claire.Massey@ed.ac.uk
Professor Gordon Masterton Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering Gordon.Masterton@ed.ac.uk
Mr Akhil Mathews Infrastructure and Environment amathews@ed.ac.uk
Miss Nurul Ain Mazlan Materials and Processes N.A.Mazlan@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Stephen Chukwuemeka Mbisike Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Stephen.Mbisike@ed.ac.uk
Mr Liam James McAlister Energy Systems L.J.McAlister@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Emma McAllister Infrastructure and Environment E.McAllister-1@sms.ed.ac.uk
Ms Sheila McBain Sheila.McBain@ed.ac.uk
Mrs Madeleine McBeath M.Mcbeath@ed.ac.uk
Ms Jennifer McCabe v1jmcc11@ed.ac.uk
Professor Hugh McCann Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering H.McCann@ed.ac.uk
Dr Edward McCarthy Materials and Processes Mechanical Engineering ed.mccarthy@ed.ac.uk
Ms Bridgeen McCloskey Bridgeen.McCloskey@ed.ac.uk
Dr Alistair McConnell Integrated Micro and Nano Systems v1amcco3@ed.ac.uk
Mrs Louise McCreath Louise.McCreath@ed.ac.uk
Mr Andrew McDermott amcderm2@ed.ac.uk
Dr Steven McDonagh Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering s.mcdonagh@ed.ac.uk
Professor Alasdair McDonald Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering Alasdair.McDonald@ed.ac.uk
Professor Joe McGeough Integrated Micro and Nano Systems J.McGeough@ed.ac.uk
Miss Libby McGhee lmcghee@ed.ac.uk
Ms Dara-Emma McGlacken Ryan Integrated Micro and Nano Systems dmcglack@ed.ac.uk
Dr Terry McGrail Materials and Processes Mechanical Engineering Terry.McGrail@ed.ac.uk
Professor Glen McHale Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering Glen.McHale@ed.ac.uk
Mr Nathan John McKinlay Bioengineering v1nmcki3@ed.ac.uk
Miss Ailsa Clare McMillan Energy Systems A.C.McMillan-1@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Nils Torge Mecker Multiscale Thermofluids N.Mecker@ed.ac.uk
Dr Encarni Medina-Lopez Civil and Environmental Engineering Encarni.Medina-Lopez@ed.ac.uk
Mr Rory Meehan rory.meehan@ed.ac.uk
Mr Adam Meek ameek2@ed.ac.uk