Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Mr Haoqi Liu Imaging, Data and Communications H.Liu-58@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Haokun Wang Imaging, Data and Communications haokun.wang@ed.ac.uk
Mr Haochen Zhang Infrastructure and Environment H.Zhang-125@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Hao Zhang Integrated Micro and Nano Systems s2726357@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Hao Yu Imaging, Data and Communications H.Yu@ed.ac.uk
Mr Hao Xue Materials and Processes H.Xue-9@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Hanzheng Liang Integrated Micro and Nano Systems H.Liang-17@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Hanxiao Ge Imaging, Data and Communications hanxiao.ge@ed.ac.uk
Mr Han Shun Hsu Infrastructure and Environment s1908796@ed.ac.uk
Mr Hammad Hafeez Infrastructure and Environment H.Hafeez@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Hamish Hay Energy Systems v1hhay@ed.ac.uk
Mr Haifeng Luo Imaging, Data and Communications H.Luo-9@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Guoyang Huang Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Guoyang.Huang@ed.ac.uk
Mr Guanchu Lu Materials and Processes s1786994@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Grzegorz Andrzej Jacenkow Imaging, Data and Communications g.jacenkow@ed.ac.uk
Mr Gregory Alexander Myles Integrated Micro and Nano Systems G.A.MYLES@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Grahame Keith Reynolds Integrated Micro and Nano Systems G.K.Reynolds@ed.ac.uk
Mr Graham Miller gmiller6@ed.ac.uk
Mr Gordon Paterson G.Paterson@ed.ac.uk
Mr Godwin Ilemona Enemali Imaging, Data and Communications G.Enemali@ed.ac.uk
Mr Gianpio Caringella Bioengineering G.Caringella@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Geveen Arumapperuma Arachige Multiscale Thermofluids s1628402@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Gerry Hesselmann Mechanical Engineering v1ghesse@ed.ac.uk
Mr Georgios Papandroulidakis Integrated Micro and Nano Systems gpapandr@ed.ac.uk
Mr Georgios Kasapis Multiscale Thermofluids s1450150@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr George Bonney Multiscale Thermofluids G.Bonney@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Gabrielis Cerniauskas Materials and Processes g.cerniauskas@ed.ac.uk
Mr Gabriele Livi Materials and Processes G.Livi@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Fuzhen Chen Infrastructure and Environment F.Chen-27@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Fraser Millar f.millar@ed.ac.uk