Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Mr Matthew Thomas Dryden Infrastructure and Environment M.T.Dryden@sms.ed.ac.uk
Ms Marjorie Drysdale Marjorie.Drysdale@ed.ac.uk
Professor Timothy Drysdale Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering Timothy.Drysdale@ed.ac.uk
Professor Dougal Drysdale Infrastructure and Environment D.Drysdale@ed.ac.uk
Miss Yuning Du Imaging, Data and Communications yuning.du@ed.ac.uk
Mr Chengyan Duan Energy Systems C.Duan-3@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Edward Dubourg Eddie.Dubourg@ed.ac.uk
Mr Benjamin Duheric Materials and Processes s1729917@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Camelia Dunare Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Electronics and Electrical Engineering Camelia.Dunare@ed.ac.uk
Miss Eve Duncan eduncan5@ed.ac.uk
Dr Katherine Dunn Bioengineering Mechanical Engineering DirectorOfMech.Eng@ed.ac.uk, K.Dunn@ed.ac.uk
Mr Thivageran Duraimany Infrastructure and Environment T.Duraimany@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Swagata Dutta Infrastructure and Environment sdutta@ed.ac.uk
Dr Gail Duursma Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering Gail.Duursma@ed.ac.uk
Mr Ota Dvorak Imaging, Data and Communications s1765293@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Peisan (Sharel) E Bioengineering Chemical Engineering Sharel.E@ed.ac.uk
Mr Thomas Easton Infrastructure and Environment thomas.easton@ed.ac.uk
Ms Marisa Edwards medwar13@ed.ac.uk
Miss Marina Efstratiou Multiscale Thermofluids Marina.Efstratiou@ed.ac.uk
Dr Omid Ejtehadi Materials and Processes oejtehad@ed.ac.uk
Dr Anastasia Eleftheriou Integrated Micro and Nano Systems aelefthe@ed.ac.uk
Professor Alistair Elfick Bioengineering Mechanical Engineering Alistair.Elfick@ed.ac.uk
Mr Godwin Ilemona Enemali Imaging, Data and Communications G.Enemali@ed.ac.uk
Dr Emmanuel Epelle Infrastructure and Environment eepelle@ed.ac.uk
Mr Andrew Epp Infrastructure and Environment s2702442@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Ahmet T Erdogan Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Ahmet.Erdogan@ed.ac.uk
Linus Ericsson Imaging, Data and Communications Linus.Ericsson@ed.ac.uk
Mr Oguzhan Erken Infrastructure and Environment o.erken@ed.ac.uk
Dr Javier Escudero Rodriguez Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering Javier.Escudero@ed.ac.uk
Mr Miguel Espinosa Minano Imaging, Data and Communications M.Espinosa-Minano@sms.ed.ac.uk