Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Dr George Serghiou Materials and Processes Chemical Engineering George.Serghiou@ed.ac.uk
Dr Cristian Sestito Integrated Micro and Nano Systems csestito@ed.ac.uk
Mr Adeel Saleem Shafi Materials and Processes A.Shafi@ed.ac.uk
Miss Shakila Shaheen Integrated Micro and Nano Systems S.Shaheen-2@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Iram Shahzadi Imaging, Data and Communications I.Shahzadi-1@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Kareem Shaikhuzzaman Chemical Engineering kareem.shaikhuzzaman@ed.ac.uk
Mr Zain Shami Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Z.Shami@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Jian Shao Imaging, Data and Communications J.Shao-7@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Yubo Shao Materials and Processes Y.Shao-34@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Rahul Sharma Infrastructure and Environment rsharma4@ed.ac.uk
Dr Jonathan Shek Energy Systems Electronics and Electrical Engineering J.Shek@ed.ac.uk
Mr Aditya Prakash Shembekar Materials and Processes A.Shembekar@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Craig Sheridan Craig.sheridan@ei.ed.ac.uk
Dr Andrew Sherlock Materials and Processes Mechanical Engineering A.Sherlock@ed.ac.uk
Dr Si Shi Infrastructure and Environment sshi2@ed.ac.uk
Mr Mitchell Shields Energy Systems M.W.Shields@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Hawa Sidat Energy Systems s2619644@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Nagappa Siddgonde Materials and Processes nsiddgon@ed.ac.uk
Mr Rasool Akhtar Alias Osama Siddiqui Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Rasool.akhtar@ed.ac.uk
Mr Craig Sime csime@ed.ac.uk
Miss Mhairi Sime Mhairi.Sime@ed.ac.uk
Miss Ursula Simon Bioengineering U.Simon@ed.ac.uk
Mrs Amanda Simpson Mandy.Simpson@ed.ac.uk
Dr Adil Siripatana Infrastructure and Environment asiripat@ed.ac.uk
Dr Santhosh Sivasubramani Integrated Micro and Nano Systems ssivasub@ed.ac.uk
Mr Ioannis Skottis Integrated Micro and Nano Systems s1408689@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Nikolajs Skuratovs Imaging, Data and Communications s1774891@sms.ed.ac.uk
Professor Jane Smallman Energy Systems Jane.Smallman@ed.ac.uk
Dr Michael Smart Integrated Micro and Nano Systems msmart2@ed.ac.uk
Mrs Laura Smith laura.smith@ed.ac.uk