Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Miss Yazhini Vinoth Kumar Infrastructure and Environment Y.Vinoth-Kumar@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Yasmin Anne Hitchin Infrastructure and Environment s1540511@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Yaping Su Infrastructure and Environment Y.Su-56@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Yalei Fu Imaging, Data and Communications Y.Fu-28@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Xueying Zhang Materials and Processes X.zhang-384@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Xinyun Zhang Energy Systems s2283428@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss xinyi gao Imaging, Data and Communications N.Polydorides@ed.ac.uk
Miss Xin Sun Integrated Micro and Nano Systems xsun.susie@ed.ac.uk
Miss Wanting Cui Materials and Processes s2766978@ed.ac.uk
Miss Victoria Farrar V.Farrar@ed.ac.uk
Miss Victoria Ann Barber-Fleming Integrated Micro and Nano Systems V.A.Barber-Fleming@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Ursula Simon Bioengineering U.Simon@ed.ac.uk
Miss Tzu-Hsun Lin Energy Systems T.Lin-28@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Tingting Zhao Infrastructure and Environment T.Zhao-30@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Tian Tan Energy Systems T.Tan-6@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Tara Macleod Energy Systems s1622168@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Tao Tao Materials and Processes T.Tao-7@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Tahira Ali Integrated Micro and Nano Systems s1268880@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Sumetha Uthayakumar sumetha.kumar@ed.ac.uk
Miss Suganthiny Ganesh Infrastructure and Environment s2620385@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Sofie Jet Joanna MacDonald Imaging, Data and Communications s1229110@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Sofia Fabregat Kirchin sfabrega@ed.ac.uk
Miss Siyu Chen Materials and Processes S.Chen-206@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Sijie Zhou Imaging, Data and Communications S.Zhou-41@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Shuyang Zhu Energy Systems S.Zhu-24@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Shiqing Zhang Materials and Processes S.Zhang-215@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Shannon Patricia Thompson Integrated Micro and Nano Systems s1530049@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Shan Zhang Integrated Micro and Nano Systems S.Zhang-82@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Shakila Shaheen Integrated Micro and Nano Systems S.Shaheen-2@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Samiyah Ashraf sashraf4@ed.ac.uk