Fellowship opportunities

The School of Engineering welcomes applications from exceptional early career candidates interested in applying for personal fellowships at the University of Edinburgh.

Key dates for Fellowship applications

  • 11 September 2024: Next deadline for submission of Outline Applications.
  • 9 October 2024: School Fellowships Development Panel meet to review submissions.

To provide transparency and efficiency in the management of early career Fellowship applications, and to provide support to internal and external applicants interested in Fellowship opportunities the School operates an internal review process for the following fellowship opportunities*:

*applications for other fellowships are welcome. Please contact relevant members of academic staff or DoR.Eng@ed.ac.uk to discuss prospective applications, and refer to fellowship webpages for up to date information.

Our School Fellowships Development Panel (FDP) meets three times per academic year to review the Outline Applications and provide support to internal and external candidates. The FDP is made up of the School’s Director of Research, Deputy Director of Research, PDRA Champion and Heads of the seven Research Institutes. The FDP process aims to help early career applicants target the right Fellowship scheme at the optimal stage in their research career.

All applications should be made via the online form, with accompanying Outline Application comprising a narrative CV, full publication list and Case for Support (2 pages maximum, with advice given on what this should contain). Please email DoR.Eng@ed.ac.uk for details of how to access the online form and the format required for the Outline Application.

The School of Engineering is committed to advancing equality and diversity, welcoming applications from everyone irrespective of gender, ethnic group or nationality. We particularly encourage applications from female and/or BAME candidates.

Please note that in order to submit an Outline Application for consideration by the FDP you will need to have approached and have agreement for support from a School of Engineering academic member of staff to act as your Academic Adviser (AA). All our academic staff are members of a Research Institute. Your AA will advise you on general aspects of Fellowship development, and help you to develop your proposal. Your AA will help you to process feedback from the FDP and support you with review of the full proposal if this is supported by the FDP.

A lead time of 4–6 months is generally recommended for candidates to develop a strong full proposal so please consider applying when you feel your proposal is already prepared at least in outline.

Please see The Institute for Academic Development’s Fellowship guide for further information and guidance.