Fire Engineering on Rail Derailments

On the 10 March 2022 the UK Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) published their final report into the passenger train derailment at Carmont, near Stonehaven, in August 2020. Dr Rory Hadden, Senior Lecturer in Fire Investigation, and Dr Ricky Carvel, Senior Lecturer in Fire dynamics, were co-opted by RAIB to work on the fire investigation aspects of the inquiry.

A fire was observed about an hour after the crash which eventually spread to engulf most of Coach B, which had come to rest on the embankment, apart from the rest of the train. The fire investigation identified several issues regarding the (lack of) fire protection in the battery compartment in the undercarriage which was the cause and origin of the fire. RAIB have made recommendations to the rail industry to improve fire safety measures in their batteries as a consequence of our investigation.

GOV.UK Report 02/2022: Derailment of a passenger train at Carmont

Carmont derailment image
Derailment of a passenger train at Carmont, Aberdeenshire, 12 August 2020