Pushing forward in robotics and artificial intelligence, we produce an innovative pipeline from academic research to global markets. Focussing on application areas including manufacturing, assistive and medical robots, offshore energy, environmental monitoring, search and rescue, defence, and support for the ageing population, amounting to a market space worth billions globally. The Offshore Robotics for the Certification of Assets (ORCA) Hub The ORCA Hub is a multi-million pound programme aimed at addressing the offshore energy industry's vision for a completely autonomous offshore energy field.Launched in October 2017, ORCA Hub is part of the government’s £93m R&D funding on "Robotics and AI for Extreme Environments" through the Industry Strategic Challenge Fund (ISCF). The fund is delivered by UK Research and Innovation, and managed by EPSRC.Led by the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, ORCA Hub brings together internationally leading experts with over 30 industry partners to create a multi-disciplinary consortium with unique expertise in:Subsea, ground and aerial roboticsHuman-machine InteractionInnovative sensors for Non Destructive Evaluation and low-cost sensor networksAsset management and certificationSeven use case scenarios were identified as the drivers for the 2018 capability demonstrations, applying RAI to offshore energy asset integrity using marine, topside (i.e. on platform) and aerial systems:Subsea inspection - oil and gasAutonomous Boat (Surface vehicle) support for ROV/Survey vehicleUnmanned Autonomous DecommissioningDecommissioning abandoned wells and environmental monitoringAutonomous mobility and locomotionFPSO inspection and maintenanceOnline inspection for process equipment This article was published on 2024-09-14