PhD opportunities

PhD Research Project opportunities at the School of Engineering.

PhD Opportunities

PhD Title Sort descending Research Institute Principal Supervisor
Instrumenting Organ-on-chip Devices for AI Bioengineering Professor Alistair Elfick
Investigation into the transmission of mechanical stimuli in cell seeded tissue engineering scaffold materials using finite element modeling Bioengineering Dr Anthony Callanan
Large-Scale Digital AI systems for Large Language Models (LLMs) Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Professor Themis Prodromakis
Machine Learning (ML) for Polymer Blending Optimisation Materials and Processes Dr Dimitrios I Gerogiorgis
Metamaterials for Oil/Water Separation Multiscale Thermofluids Professor Glen McHale
Modelling particles subject to permanent plastic deformations Infrastructure and Environment Dr Kevin Hanley
Molecular simulation of phase separation in amino acid carbon capture solutions Materials and Processes Dr Martin Sweatman
Multistack Resistive Random-Access Memories for Optoelectronic Applications Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Professor Themis Prodromakis
New Materials and Structures for CTE Management of Laser Systems Materials and Processes Prof Jonathan Corney
Nexus of residential energy use, system flexibility and transition engineering Energy Systems Professor Daniel Friedrich
Non-linear optical metamaterial coatings for enhancing photon management across interfaces Bioengineering Professor Alistair Elfick
Nucleate Boiling on Patterned Liquid-Like Surfaces Multiscale Thermofluids Dr Gary Wells
Optoelectronic Restive Random-Access Memory technologies Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Professor Themis Prodromakis
Progressive building energy models for facility management Infrastructure and Environment Dr Daniel Fosas de Pando
Scalable In-Memory Computing Architectures for AI Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Professor Themis Prodromakis
Scientific Machine Learning for Parabolic PDE Simulation in Complex Geometries Imaging, Data and Communications Dr Nick Polydorides
Sensor Fusion and management in Autonomous Airborne Platforms Imaging, Data and Communications Professor James R Hopgood
Smart Factory Materials and Processes Prof Jonathan Corney
Software Modelling and Optimization for AI Computing Architectures Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Professor Themis Prodromakis
Synthetic genetic circuits in mammalian cells Bioengineering Professor Alistair Elfick
The mechanics of early human development Bioengineering Dr Rhiannon Grant
Theory of clustering in binary mixtures with competing interactions Materials and Processes Dr Martin Sweatman
Tissue engineering design of novel bio-therapeutics for cancer treatment Bioengineering Dr Anthony Callanan
Vibration data and underlying physics for adaptive structural health monitoring Infrastructure and Environment Dr David Garcia Cava