PhD opportunities

PhD Research Project opportunities at the School of Engineering.

PhD Opportunities

PhD Title Research Institute Principal Supervisor
Bottom-up assembly of multi-compartment synthetic cells Bioengineering Dr Tom Robinson
Smart Factory Materials and Processes Prof Jonathan Corney
Compressive behavior of self-expanding concrete-filled CFRP tube columns Infrastructure and Environment Professor Luke Bisby
Software Modelling and Optimization for AI Computing Architectures Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Professor Themis Prodromakis
Data-Driven Computational Sensing and Imaging Imaging, Data and Communications Prof Michael E Davies
Synthetic genetic circuits in mammalian cells Bioengineering Professor Alistair Elfick
Design and testing of microflyers for environmental monitoring Energy Systems Professor Ignazio Maria Viola
The mechanics of early human development Bioengineering Dr Rhiannon Grant
Designing Structured Surfaces with Superwettability Properties Multiscale Thermofluids Professor Halim Kusumaatmaja
Theory of clustering in binary mixtures with competing interactions Materials and Processes Dr Martin Sweatman
Droplet Dynamics on Patterned Liquid-Like Surfaces Multiscale Thermofluids Dr Rodrigo Ledesma-Aguilar
Vibration data and underlying physics for adaptive structural health monitoring Infrastructure and Environment Dr David Garcia Cava
Droplet Dynamics on Topographically Patterned Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces Multiscale Thermofluids Dr Rodrigo Ledesma-Aguilar
Convective mass transport and thermomechanical response of partially saturated granular media Infrastructure and Environment, Materials and Processes Dr Amer Syed
Dropwise Condensation and heat transfer on Patterned Liquid-Like Surfaces Multiscale Thermofluids Dr Gary Wells
Circular Roads: Improve Recycled Asphalt Content in Pavements by better understanding of Compaction Mechanics Infrastructure and Environment, Materials and Processes Dr Amer Syed
Electrolytes in Zinc ion Batteries Bioengineering Dr Peisan Sharel-e
Development of SiC optical ring resonators with Zinc Oxide nanowire detection for monitoring ammonia in the environment Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Dr Hannah Levene
Elucidating molecular transport mechanisms through atomistic simulations Infrastructure and Environment, Multiscale Thermofluids Dr Santiago Romero-Vargas Castrillon
Nexus of residential energy use, system flexibility and transition engineering Energy Systems Professor Daniel Friedrich
Engineering Nanosensors Using Electrocrystallisation Materials and Processes Professor Guangzhao Mao
Heat integration to provide whole system flexibility Energy Systems Professor Daniel Friedrich