Every year tropical storms and hurricanes cause large amounts of damages and victims. In many cases people are forced to live in devastated areas without access to basic needs such as healthcare, clean water and food supplies, facing a hard and long recovery.
The School of Engineering is very pleased to announce that the RSE Young Academy of Scotland has just announced the appointment Philip Hands and Javier Escudero as new members. Many congratulations to Philip and Javier!
Sofia Korniliou, PhD Student in the Institute for Materials & Processes supervised by Khellil Sefiane and Anthony Walton was awarded third prize in the student contribution category at the International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles Conference held in Nottingham, 26-29 June
When doing tasks we are often confronted with a fundamental question: shall I do it fast or do it precisely? From experience we know that achieving both is exceedingly difficult; compromise is the best bet. But can speed and precision be maximised at the same time? A new study from Dr.