Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Tom Summers s2167184@sms.ed.ac.uk
Tibin Thomas Multiscale Thermofluids tthomas2@ed.ac.uk
Thomas Godfrey-Brown Energy Systems s2254144@sms.ed.ac.uk
Stephanie Martin stephanie.martin@ed.ac.uk
Sam Cressall Energy Systems s2434604@sms.ed.ac.uk
Puja Sunil Energy Systems puja.sunil@ed.ac.uk
Prokopios Vlachogiannis s2144233@sms.ed.ac.uk
Professor Yong Lu Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering Yong.Lu@ed.ac.uk
Professor Ye Li Energy Systems v1yli332@ed.ac.uk
Professor Yasuyuki Takata Multiscale Thermofluids v1ytakat@ed.ac.uk
Professor Xianfeng Fan Materials and Processes Chemical Engineering X.Fan@ed.ac.uk
Professor Win Rampen Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering W.Rampen@ed.ac.uk
Professor Wasiu O Popoola Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering W.Popoola@ed.ac.uk
Professor Vengatesan Venugopal Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering V.Venugopal@ed.ac.uk
Professor Vasileios Koutsos Materials and Processes Mechanical Engineering vasileios.koutsos@ed.ac.uk
Professor Tughrul Arslan Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Electronics and Electrical Engineering T.Arslan@ed.ac.uk
Professor Tom Bruce Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering Tom.Bruce@ed.ac.uk
Professor Timothy Drysdale Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering Timothy.Drysdale@ed.ac.uk
Professor Timm Krueger Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering timm.krueger@ed.ac.uk
Professor Tim Stratford Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering Tim.Stratford@ed.ac.uk
Professor Themis Prodromakis Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Electronics and Electrical Engineering t.prodromakis@ed.ac.uk
Professor Susan Rosser Bioengineering Susan.Rosser@ed.ac.uk
Professor Stephen Warrington Materials and Processes Mechanical Engineering s.warrington@ed.ac.uk
Professor Stephen Finney Energy Systems Electronics and Electrical Engineering Stephen.Finney@ed.ac.uk
Professor Stefano Brandani Materials and Processes Chemical Engineering S.Brandani@ed.ac.uk
Professor Spyros A Karamanos Infrastructure and Environment Spyros.Karamanos@ed.ac.uk
Professor Sotirios Tsaftaris Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering S.Tsaftaris@ed.ac.uk
Professor Shijun Liao Multiscale Thermofluids v1sliao3@ed.ac.uk
Professor Sean Smith Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering Sean.Smith@ed.ac.uk
Professor Sasa Djokic Energy Systems Electronics and Electrical Engineering sasa.djokic@ed.ac.uk