Our research combines fundamental physical understanding with advanced numerical methods to design better products and processes. Key to this research are techniques for modelling at each appropriate scale, and for scale-bridging so that the properties of systems at different scales can be linked, optimised and controlled. Amine adsorption in silica CapabilitiesMolecular and mesoscale modelling and statistical thermodynamicsMicroscale transport, adsorption and interfacesDensity functional theory, integral equationsPowder and particle flowMacroscale process thermodynamics and simulationOptimisation (steady-state, dynamic, real-time, stochastic, multi-objective)High performance computingApplicationsDesign and characterisation of nanoporous materialsNovel nanomaterials and processes for carbon captureThermodynamics and mesostructure of liquids, solids, interfaces and nanocompositesMembrane technologyProcess simulationOptimisation of;Continuous pharmaceutical manufacturingFood and drink bioprocessesOil and gas drilling and productionFuel cell systemsHousehold devicesFacilitiesWe have access to local high performance computers EDDIE and ARCHER2.AcademicsProf Maria Grazia De Angelis: Polymeric membranes, 'green' separation technology, multiscale membrane modelling, hemodialysis Dr Martin Sweatman: statistical mechanics in chemical enginering, density functional theory, molecular simulation, SALR fluids, origin of life Professor Dimitrios Gerogorgis: Process engineering of pharmaceuticals, biochemicals, food and drink, oil and gas, high temperature materials Dr Santiago Romero-Vargas Castrillon: Interfacial and transport processes, membrane systems, water quality control Dr Giulio Santori: Low-carbon technologies for refrigeration, household devices, air capture of CO2, desalination Dr Sina Haeri: Particle laden flows, powder technology, additive manufacturing, particle-based simulations This article was published on 2024-09-14