Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Mr Jens Kristensen Infrastructure and Environment J.Kristensen@ed.ac.uk
Ms Sandra Kristoffersson Sandra.Kristoffersson@ed.ac.uk
Professor Timm Krueger Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering timm.krueger@ed.ac.uk
Dr Sanjay Kumar Integrated Micro and Nano Systems skumar34@ed.ac.uk
Mr Sanjay Kumar Imaging, Data and Communications S.Kumar-22@sms.ed.ac.uk
Professor Halim Kusumaatmaja Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering halim.kusumaatmaja@ed.ac.uk
Mr Maksim Kuznetcov Imaging, Data and Communications M.Kuznetcov@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Mennatallah Mohamed Awny Ali Labib Energy Systems M.M.A.Labib@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Ho Ting Raymond Lam Energy Systems H.T.R.Lam@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Dmitry Lapshin Materials and Processes Dmitry.Lapshin@ed.ac.uk
Dr Elsa Lasseuguette Materials and Processes E.Lasseuguette@ed.ac.uk
Dr Cher Hon Lau Materials and Processes Chemical Engineering cherhon.lau@ed.ac.uk
Mr Mark Lauchlan mlauchla@ed.ac.uk
Professor David Laurenson Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dave.Laurenson@ed.ac.uk
Mr Samuel Patrick Lavery Imaging, Data and Communications S.P.Lavery@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Angus Law Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering Angus.Law@ed.ac.uk
Mr Thomas Lawford-Groves t.lawford-groves@ed.ac.uk
Dr Rodrigo Ledesma Aguilar Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering Rodrigo.ledesma@ed.ac.uk
Mr Pablo Gilberto Ledesma Lopez Integrated Micro and Nano Systems pablo.ledesma@ed.ac.uk
Mr Kai Yin Lee Energy Systems K.Y.Lee-6@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Jakub Lehotay jlehotay@ed.ac.uk
Miss Chi Kuan Lei Materials and Processes C.K.Lei-1@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Claire Leishman Materials and Processes s1651993@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Martyn Lennon M.Lennon@ed.ac.uk
Dr Hannah Levene Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Hannah.Levene@ed.ac.uk
Dr Elliott Lewis Multiscale Thermofluids elewis4@ed.ac.uk
Miss Allana Marie Lewis Materials and Processes A.M.Lewis-6@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Allana Lewis Materials and Processes alewis3@exseed.ed.ac.uk
Mr Zhaosheng Li Materials and Processes Z.Li-141@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Shaokang Li Multiscale Thermofluids S.Li-141@sms.ed.ac.uk