Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Miss Ruiheng Rita Hu Multiscale Thermofluids R.Hu-12@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Theo Huckstep Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering T.J.J.Huckstep@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Thejas Hulikal Chakrapani Multiscale Thermofluids thulikal@ed.ac.uk
Mr Alex Jon Jenkins Multiscale Thermofluids A.J.Jenkins@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Adrian Jonas Multiscale Thermofluids s1521326@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Georgios Kasapis Multiscale Thermofluids s1450150@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Colin Kessler Multiscale Thermofluids s1840447@sms.ed.ac.uk
Professor Timm Krueger Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering timm.krueger@ed.ac.uk
Professor Halim Kusumaatmaja Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering halim.kusumaatmaja@ed.ac.uk
Dr Rodrigo Ledesma Aguilar Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering Rodrigo.ledesma@ed.ac.uk
Dr Elliott Lewis Multiscale Thermofluids elewis4@ed.ac.uk
Dr Sheng Li Multiscale Thermofluids S.Li-164@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Shaokang Li Multiscale Thermofluids S.Li-141@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Yifei Li Multiscale Thermofluids yli30@ed.ac.uk
Professor Shijun Liao Multiscale Thermofluids v1sliao3@ed.ac.uk
Mr Seamus Lilley Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering s2738389@sms.ed.ac.uk
Professor Mark Linne Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering Mark.Linne@ed.ac.uk
Mr Xiaotian Ma Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering Xiaotian.Ma@ed.ac.uk
Dr Farid Mahmoud Multiscale Thermofluids fmahmoud@ed.ac.uk
Mr Calum Peter Mallorie Multiscale Thermofluids s1622071@sms.ed.ac.uk
Professor Glen McHale Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering Glen.McHale@ed.ac.uk
Mr Nils Torge Mecker Multiscale Thermofluids N.Mecker@ed.ac.uk
Mr Taher Meydando Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering s2757218@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Giada Minozzi Multiscale Thermofluids Giada.Minozzi@ed.ac.uk
Ms Fatemehsadat Mirghaderi Multiscale Thermofluids F.Mirghaderi@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Daniel Orejon Mantecon Multiscale Thermofluids Chemical Engineering D.Orejon@ed.ac.uk
Dr Benjamin Owen Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering Benjamin.Owen@ed.ac.uk
Mr Abhijit Padhiary Multiscale Thermofluids apadhiar@ed.ac.uk
Dr Khushboo Pandey Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering kpandey@ed.ac.uk
Mr Sreehari Perumanath Dharmapalan Multiscale Thermofluids Sreehari.Dharmapalan@ed.ac.uk