Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Ms Qinyue Ma Materials and Processes s2705879@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Ziyi Ma Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering s2207476@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Ewan MacDonald Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Ewan.Macdonald@ed.ac.uk
Miss Sofie Jet Joanna MacDonald Imaging, Data and Communications s1229110@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Damian Machlanski Imaging, Data and Communications dmachlan@ed.ac.uk
Mr Philip Emanuel Machura Energy Systems P.Machura@ed.ac.uk
Mr Jonah Mack Integrated Micro and Nano Systems J.Mack-1@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Mhorag Mackay Mhorag.Mackay@ed.ac.uk
Ms Laura Mackie Laura.Mackie@ei.ed.ac.uk
Mr Jack Iain MacLean Integrated Micro and Nano Systems J.I.MacLean@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Tara Macleod Energy Systems s1622168@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mrs Jane Macleod jmacle2@ed.ac.uk
Dr Cameron Euan MacLeod Infrastructure and Environment Cameron.MacLeod@ed.ac.uk
Dr Donald Ewen Macpherson Energy Systems Electronics and Electrical Engineering Ewen.Macpherson@ed.ac.uk
Dr Sachin Maheshwari Integrated Micro and Nano Systems smaheshw@ed.ac.uk
Dr Farid Mahmoud Multiscale Thermofluids fmahmoud@ed.ac.uk
Mr Stephen Thomas Mahon Integrated Micro and Nano Systems S.Mahon@ed.ac.uk
Mr Alistair Harry Mahon Energy Systems A.H.Mahon@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Amirhossein Malekipour Energy Systems amalekip@ed.ac.uk
Ms Monika Malewicka Monika.Malewicka@ed.ac.uk
Mr Calum Peter Mallorie Multiscale Thermofluids s1622071@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Maksym Malyi Energy Systems Max.Malyi@ed.ac.uk
Dr Enzo Mangano Materials and Processes Chemical Engineering E.Mangano@ed.ac.uk
Professor Guangzhao Mao Bioengineering Chemical Engineering HoS.Eng@ed.ac.uk, Guangzhao.Mao@ed.ac.uk
Dr Jamie Marland Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Electronics and Electrical Engineering Jamie.Marland@ed.ac.uk
Miss Ruby Marshall Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Ruby.Marshall@ed.ac.uk
Stephanie Martin stephanie.martin@ed.ac.uk
Mr Stuart Martin Stuart.Martin@ed.ac.uk
Dr Anabel Martinez Lyons Bioengineering Anabel.martinezlyons@ed.ac.uk
Dr Francisca Martinez-Hergueta Infrastructure and Environment Mechanical Engineering francisca.mhergueta@ed.ac.uk