Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Mr Theo Huckstep Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering T.J.J.Huckstep@sms.ed.ac.uk
Ms Phoebe Alice Hudson Infrastructure and Environment P.A.Hudson@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Samuel Hughes Infrastructure and Environment s1834431@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Thejas Hulikal Chakrapani Multiscale Thermofluids thulikal@ed.ac.uk
Mr Khaled Muneer Mutlaq Humood Integrated Micro and Nano Systems K.M.M.Humood@sms.ed.ac.uk
Ms Fiona Hunter F.Hunter@ed.ac.uk
Mr William Hunton whunton@ed.ac.uk
Mr Kairun Huo Integrated Micro and Nano Systems K.Huo@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Noah Hurton Integrated Micro and Nano Systems N.Hurton@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Jim Hutcheson Jim.Hutcheson@ed.ac.uk
Mr Henry Adeniyi Ibitolu Infrastructure and Environment Henry.Ibitolu@ed.ac.uk
Mr Mohammad Imaran Infrastructure and Environment mimaran@ed.ac.uk
Miss Isis Ingram iingram@ed.ac.uk
Professor David M Ingram Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering David.Ingram@ed.ac.uk
Miss Elena Ioannidou eioannid@ed.ac.uk
Dr Nathar Iqbal niqbal@ed.ac.uk
Mrs Huma Iqbal Energy Systems H.Iqbal-2@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Hasan Abdulkarim Hasan Ali Ismaeel Materials and Processes H.A.H.Ismaeel@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Grzegorz Andrzej Jacenkow Imaging, Data and Communications g.jacenkow@ed.ac.uk
Mr Himayat Ullah Jan Energy Systems H.U.Jan@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Matthew Gareth David Jansen Energy Systems M.G.D.Jansen@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Saba Javed Energy Systems S.Javed@ed.ac.uk
Professor Henry F Jeffrey Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering Henry.Jeffrey@ed.ac.uk
Mr Alex Jon Jenkins Multiscale Thermofluids A.J.Jenkins@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Yuxuan Ji Bioengineering s2591469@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Shuyan Ji Imaging, Data and Communications S.Ji-2@sms.ed.ac.uk
Dr Jiabin Jia Imaging, Data and Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering Jiabin.Jia@ed.ac.uk
Mr Shitong Jiang Integrated Micro and Nano Systems sjiang2@ed.ac.uk
Mr Shuangfeng Jiang Imaging, Data and Communications S.Jiang-13@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Yun Jiang Integrated Micro and Nano Systems Y.Jiang-72@sms.ed.ac.uk