Our people

All Academic, Postgraduate Research students and Professional Services people working at the School of Engineering.

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Name Research Institutes Engineering Discipline Email
Mrs Hailah Bin Rashed Materials and Processes H.Bin-Rashed@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mrs Siti Nurfaezah Binti Zahari Bioengineering S.N.Binti-Zahari@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr David Bird dbird@ed.ac.uk
Professor Luke Bisby Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering Luke.Bisby@ed.ac.uk
Miss Lucile Emmanuelle Bisquert Multiscale Thermofluids L.E.Bisquert@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mriganka Biswas Energy Systems mbiswas2@ed.ac.uk
Ms Gillian Black Gillian.A.Black@ed.ac.uk
Dr Jane R Blackford Materials and Processes Mechanical Engineering Jane.Blackford@ed.ac.uk
Mr John Blackhurst jblackhu@ed.ac.uk
Ms Tianna Bloise Thomaz Energy Systems tbloise@exseed.ed.ac.uk
Mr Christopher Boland Imaging, Data and Communications christopher.boland@ed.ac.uk
Mr Tom Bolland tbolland@ed.ac.uk
Miss Alexandra Boloux Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering s1767366@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr George Bonney Multiscale Thermofluids G.Bonney@sms.ed.ac.uk
Professor Matthew Karl Borg Multiscale Thermofluids Mechanical Engineering Matthew.Borg@ed.ac.uk
Professor Alistair Borthwick Civil and Environmental Engineering Alistair.Borthwick@ed.ac.uk
Dr Frederic Bosche Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering f.bosche@ed.ac.uk
Mr Vasile Bourceanu Integrated Micro and Nano Systems s2703496@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Eilidh Bowman Integrated Micro and Nano Systems E.E.Bowman@sms.ed.ac.uk
Ms Fiona Boyd Integrated Micro and Nano Systems v1fboyd2@ed.ac.uk
Professor Stefano Brandani Materials and Processes Chemical Engineering S.Brandani@ed.ac.uk
Mr Emils Brazovskis Infrastructure and Environment s1764937@sms.ed.ac.uk
Miss Freya Bretton Materials and Processes fbretton@ed.ac.uk
Miss Karen Brocklehurst Karen.Brocklehurst@ed.ac.uk
Dr Julio Bros-Williamson Infrastructure and Environment Civil and Environmental Engineering jbroswi@ed.ac.uk
Mr Andrew Brown A.Brown@ed.ac.uk
Miss Gillian Brown Integrated Micro and Nano Systems s1225174@sms.ed.ac.uk
Mr Jamie Brown jbrown26@ed.ac.uk
Professor Tom Bruce Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering Tom.Bruce@ed.ac.uk
Ms Viola Brunori Viola.Brunori@ed.ac.uk